Fucoidan is a polysaccharide found in brown algae such as wakame and kombu. In average 0.1% of fucoidan is contained in these brown algae.
Fucoidan was first discovered in 1913 by professor H.Z. Kylin of Uppsala University in Sweden and was named Fucoidin and afterwards named as Fucoidan according to IUPAC rules, the international naming standards of polysaccharides.
The research on fucoidan was particularly active in Japan and in 1996 at the 55th Japanese Society of Oncology, the study called ‘The research result of the anti-cancer effect of Fucoidan (フコイダンの抗がん作用の硏究報告) has drawn many attention to fucoidan. The key message of the paper was that fucoidan selectively induces apoptosis on cancer cells without affecting the normal cells. (フコイダンが正常細胞にはほとんど影響を?えず、がん細胞だけをアポト?シスさせる作用がある)
You can easily find various researches on fucoidan at Pubmed.Gov, an official research database of FDA, U.S.A. Approximately 900 research papers are registered at the site.
If we look at the recent studies from the site most of the studies are on anti-cancer .
Recently, many studies are showing the possibility of fucoidan as an alternative to chemotherapy and radiotherapy with little side-effects of existing anti-tumor treatments and its effect on enhancing the cancer treatment.
References ‘The Role of NK Cells in Anti-tumor Activity of Dietary Fucoidan from Undaria Pinnatifida Sporophylls’ Maruyama H, et al., Planta Med. 2006 Dec. 72(15): 1415-7 ‘Fucoidan extracted from Cladosiphon Okamuranus Tokida Induces Apoptosis of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1-infected T-cell Lines and Primary Adult T-cell Leukemia Cells’, Haneji K. et al. Nutr Cancer, 2005; 52(2): 189-201 ‘A Comparative Study of the Anti-inflammatory, Anti-coagulant, Anti-angiogenic, and Anti-adhesive Activities of Nine Different Fucoidans from Brown Seaweeds’, Cumashi, etal., Glycobiology 2007 Feb. 12’ ‘Inhibitory Effect of Fucoidan on the Adhesion of Adenocarcinoma Cells to Fibronectin’, Anticancer Research, Liu JM, et al., 2005 May-Jun; 25(3B): 2129-33 ‘Fucoidan Induces Apoptosis of Human HS-sultan Cells Accompanied by Activation of Caspase-3 and Down-regulation of ERK Pathways’, Aisa Y, et al., Am J Hematol. 2005 Jan; 78(1): 7-14 ‘Effects of Middle Molecular Weight Fucoidans on In Vitro and Ex Vivo Angiogenesis of Endothelial Cells’, Matsubara K. et al., Int J Mol Med. 2005 Apr; 15(4): 655-9 There are millions of internet sites related to fucoidan in Japan and most of them are related to anti-cancer. Search フコイダン at www.yahoo.co.jp
Secondly, it’s the area of immunology
Various studies show that fucoidan activates the immune system to protect the organism from various viruses and pathogens. Especially, it also has effects on hypersensitivity disorders of the immune system such as allergy, atopy, and rheumatism.
‘Fucoidan Prevents C Epsilon Germline Transcription and NFkappaB P52 Translocation for lgE Production in B cells’, Oomizu S, et al., Biochem Biophs Res Commun. 2006 Nov 24; 350(3): 501-7
‘Bifunctional Effects of Fucoidan on the Expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase’, Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Jul 21; 346(1): 345-50
‘Suppression of Th2 Immune Responses by Mekabu Fucoidan from Undaria Pinnatifida Sporophylls’, Maruyama H, at al., Int Arch Allergy Immunol., 2005 Aug; 137(4): 289-94
‘Preventive Effects of Cladosiphone Fucoidan Against Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Mogolian Gerbils’, Hideyuki Shibata, at al., Helicobacter, 2003 Feb; 8(1): 59
Thirdly, it’s the anti-angiogenic potency.
Cancer cells need to generate new blood vessels that supply the resources for growth. Fucoidan suppresses the building of blood vessels preventing the cancer from growing.
“…the antitumor action of fucoidan is due to its anti-angiogenic potency and that increasing the number of sulfate groups in the fucoidan molecule contributes to the effectiveness of its anti-angiogenic and antitumor activities” – Satoru 외, Biochemical Pharmacology (2003)
‘Effects of middle molecular weight fucoidans on in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis of endothelial cells’ Matsubara K., et al. International Journal of Morecular Medicine, 2005 Apr;15(4):655-9
‘Enzyme-digested fucoidan extracts derived from seaweed mozuku of Cladosiphon novae-calidoniae kylin inhibit invasion and angiogenesis of tunor cells’ Ye J. et al. Cytotechnology, 2005 Jan;47(1-3):117-26
‘Neoangiogenesis induced by progenitor endothelial cells: effect of fucoidan from marine algae’ Boisson-Vidal C., et al. Cardiovascular and Hematological Agent in Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Jan;5(1):67-77
‘Oversulfation of fucoidan enhances its anti-angiogenic and antitumor activities’ Koyanagi S., et al.
Biochemical Pharmacology, 2003 Jan 15;65(2):173-9
‘Oversulfation of fucoidan enhances its anti-angiogenic and antitumor activities’ Satoru K., at al.
Biochemical Pharmacology, Volume 65, Issue 2, 15 January 2003, Pages 173-179
褐藻糖胶是包含在海藻类里的0.1%的多糖类(Polysaccharide)。褐藻糖胶是瑞典的Uppsala大学H.Z.教授最先发现的,原先被命名为Fucoidin,后来对多糖类的国际命名标准改名为 fucoidan 。
第一是抗癌领域, 褐藻糖胶的独特的apoptosis作用,它有直接抗癌作用之外,可以抑制其它抗癌治疗的副作用的发生,比如对药物治疗和放射线治疗,不但抑制副作用还能提高治疗效果,在这方面已经引起注意
‘The Role of NK Cells in Antitumor Activity of Dietary Fucoidan from Undaria Pinnatifida Sporophylls (海带叶中提取的食用褐藻糖胶的抗癌作用中NK的作用)’ Maruyama H, et al., Planta Med. 2006 Dec. 72(15): 1415-7 ‘Fucoidan extracted from Cladosiphon Okamuranus Tokida Induces Apoptosis of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1-infected T-cell Lines and Primary Adult T-cell Leukemia Cells (褐藻糖胶的T-细胞白血病细胞的apoptosis引导作用)’, Haneji K. et al. Nutr Cancer, 2005; 52(2): 189-201 ‘A Comparative Study of the Antiinflammatory, Anticoagulant, Antiangiogenic, and Antiadhesive Activities of Nine Different Fucoidans from Brown Seaweeds (根据褐藻糖胶的种类不同对抗炎症、抗凝固、抑制血管增生、抑制肿瘤细胞转移作用的比较研究)’, Cumashi, etal., Glycobiology 2007 Feb. 12’ ‘Inhibitory Effect of Fucoidan on the Adhesion of Adenocarcinoma Cells to Fibronectin(褐藻糖胶的抑制胃癌细胞转移的效果)’, Anticancer Research, Liu JM, et al., 2005 May-Jun; 25(3B): 2129-33 ‘Fucoidan Induces Apoptosis of Human HS-sultan Cells Accompanied by Activation of Caspase-3 and Down-regulation of ERK Pathways (褐藻糖胶的对HS-sultan细胞的apoptosis引导作用)’’, Aisa Y, et al., Am J Hematol. 2005 Jan; 78(1): 7-14 ‘Effects of Middle Molecular Weight Fucoidans on In Vitro and Ex Vivo Angiogenesis of Endothelial Cells(中间分子量褐藻糖胶的抑制肿瘤细胞血管增生的抑制In Vitro 及 Ex Vivo效果)’, Matsubara K. et al., Int J Mol Med. 2005 Apr; 15(4): 655-9 要证明这一点,只看日本,有关褐藻糖胶的网站就有数万个之多,其中大部分就是有关抗癌的 在www.yahoo.co.jp查询褐藻糖胶 [フコイダン]
‘Fucoidan Prevents C Epsilon Germline Transcription and NFkappaB P52 Translocation for lgE Production in B cells(褐藻糖胶对B-细胞lgE的生成有效果)’, Oomizu S, et al., Biochem Biophs Res Commun. 2006 Nov 24; 350(3): 501-7 ‘Bifunctional Effects of Fucoidan on the Expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (对防御NO synthase方面褐藻糖胶的双重效果)’, Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Jul 21; 346(1): 345-50 ‘Suppression of Th2 Immune Responses by Mekabu Fucoidan from Undaria Pinnatifida Sporophylls (从海带提取的防御的Th2免疫作用)’, Maruyama H, at al., Int Arch Allergy Immunol., 2005 Aug; 137(4): 289-94 ‘Preventive Effects of Cladosiphone Fucoidan Against Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Mogolian Gerbils , Hideyuki Shibata, at al., Helicobacter, 2003 Feb; 8(1): 59
“∼the antitumor action of fucoidan is due to its anti-angiogenic potency and that increasing the number of sulfate groups in the fucoidan molecule contributes to the effectiveness of its anti-angiogenic and antitumor activities(褐藻糖胶的抗癌作用归功于对血管增生的抑制效果,褐藻糖胶分子的黄酸剂起抑制血管增生和抗癌作用) – Satoru ?, Biochemical Pharmacology (2003) ? 1. Matsubara K., et al. ‘Effects of middle molecular weight fucoidans on in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis of endothelial cells’ International Journal of Morecular Medicine, 2005 Apr;15(4):655-9 ? 2. Ye J. et al. ‘Enzyme-digested fucoidan extracts derived from seaweed mozuku of Cladosiphon novae-calidoniae kylin inhibit invasion and angiogenesis of tunor cells’ Cytotechnology, 2005 Jan;47(1-3):117-26 ? 3. Boisson-Vidal C., et al. ‘Neoangiogenesis induced by progenitor endothelial cells: effect of fucoidan from marine algae’ Cardiovascular and Hematological Agent in Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Jan;5(1):67-77 ? 4. Koyanagi S., et al. ‘Oversulfation of fucoidan enhances its anti-angiogenic and antitumor activities’ Biochemical Pharmacology, 2003 Jan 15;65(2):173-9 ? 5. Satoru K., at al. ‘Oversulfation of fucoidan enhances its anti-angiogenic and antitumor activities’ Biochemical Pharmacology, Volume 65, Issue 2, 15 January 2003, Pages 173-179
Fucoidan started to become popular when the Japan society of oncology introduced the Apoptosis inducing effect of fucoidan. Since then the key selling point of fucoidan products was the purity, content of sulfuric acid, and the molecular weight. As studies continue, the combination of different functional ingredients to make a more powerful fucoidan product has become a key point of purchase. Fucoxanthin cannot be isolated in the manufacturing process of fucoidan. We can no longer compete with general fucoidan products. We now have to compete with ingredients, quality and efficacy. Ever since it was discovered that fucoxanthin is a powerful inducing agent of apoptosis, there is a big difference in whether fucoxanthin is added in the fucoidan product or not. Fucoidan products that contain fucoxanthin are sold at 4~5 times higher price vs. general fucoidan products. Our Fucoidan has truly differentiated its Fucoidan product by introducing the first hybrid fucoidan product, Fuco-asher that contains not only fucoxanthin but also Curcumin, a powerful anti-cancer material
Asher means happiness in Latin. Fuco-Asher was borne to give you happiness and hope.
褐藻糖胶倍受喜爱的日本,癌研究协会发表了 褐藻糖胶的Apoptosis诱导效果。从那以后至今注重的是 fucoidan的纯度、黄酸剂多少、分子量多少是重要的选择标准
但是,随着 fucoidan研究的进行,怎样制作出更强的效果的成分组合成了研究的课题。
褐藻糖胶含有Fucoxanthin外含有西兰花的Sulforaphane,更高水准诱导Apoptosis。褐藻糖胶、Fucoxanthin、Sulforaphane等三种成分作为主体。最初的Hybrid Fucoidan Fuco-Asher,还有任何其它的褐藻糖胶也无法比的优势化的产品。
Fuco-Asher为了给大家幸福和希望而出世Fucoidan is known to induce apoptosis of cancer cells. However, we can not rely on fucoidan only. After it was revealed that fucoxanthin, a carotenoid found in seaweed, has apoptosis effect on cancer, value added fucoidan products reinforced with fucoxanthin has been introduced and fucoidan with mixed ingredients have become an important point of difference. With these two ingredients combined, we can significantly increase the apoptosis effect. Up until now, mushrooms was the main additives of fucoidan products focusing on strengthening the immune system. Now we are focusing on maximizing the apoptosis inducement effect. This is a powerful solution to treat cancer. We have added Curcumin to Fuco-Asher on top of fucoxanthin. Curcumin which is extracted from turmeric, a well know anti-cancer food, is a core anti-cancer agent that induces apoptosis
Fuco-Asher is a highly potent fucoidan product with a powerful combination of these three Triple Ace agents that induce apoptosis
These three agents have different mechanism in their interaction with the cancer cells.
The reason why mixed martial art is so powerful is that it combines various techniques of Taekwondo, Kick-boxing, wrestling, jujitsu and so on. It is difficult to win your opponent with only one skill. You also need to have strength. But strength alone is not sufficient. You need to have strength and skill. If the immune system is the strength, Apoptosis is the skill.
With fucoidan, fucoxanthin and Curcumin, you have both skill and strength because their mechanism is different. It has synergy effect. Moreover, if you take these three altogether, it can help resolve differences in individual drug response.
1+1+1 can be bigger than 3. I dare to propose the combined usage of fucoidan, fucoxanthin, and sulforaphen, the triple anti-cancer agents. In Japan, they have already started to apply this treatment.
褐藻糖胶出名是因为 Apoptosis的诱导效果。但只期待褐藻糖胶一种还很不够,含在海藻类的色素卡鲁替的一种Fucoxanthin的Apoptosis效果发表后,为了制成好的褐藻糖胶人们在成分的配合上下功夫。褐藻糖胶和Fucoxanthin配合使用使Apoptosis的诱导效果增大。以前一直是注重补充免疫力的蘑菇类为主,现在开始集中在Apoptosis的诱导效果上。这方法迄今为止是最好的方法。沪口阿瑟是Fucoxanthin以外多加了Sulforaphane。Sulforaphane是从有名的西兰花幼苗中提取的抗癌物质,它可诱导Apoptosis。诱导Apoptosis的三种物质结合在一起制造出的褐藻糖胶 就是Fuco-Asher。这三种物质对癌的对抗方法各有不同。武术可怕是因为它不象跆拳道、柔道、击剑、摔跤等只用一种技术,而是使用多种的技术。一种技术很难战胜对方。应该有力量但只用力量还不够,力量和技术应该结合。如果说免疫力是增强体力的力量,那么Apoptosis是技术。一起使用褐藻糖胶、Fucoxanthin、Sulforaphane就等于是兼备了力量和技术。他们的技术各有不同,因此效果倍增,不但如此结合三种物质,能解决对个体不服的缺点,因此抗癌和防止再发的效果方面比一种物质高,1+1+1可能大于3。日本有些地方已经开始使用这种方法
After the research result on ‘Fucoidan and its apoptosis inducing effect’ was released in 1996 at the 55th Japanese Society of Oncology and series of elucidations of the medical effects of fucoidan was made, fucoidan has become one of the main supplementary treatments. It has been elucidated that fucoidan plays a significant role in inducing apoptosis, suppression of angigenesis, immunomodulatory and physiobalancing functions. Because of these effect, there are millions of websites promoting more than 200 fucoidan products.
They quote clinical cases and have their own tracking records and claim being used at hospitals.
However, no matter how good fucoidan is, it’s a food and not a medicine. Therefore, you need to review many information on fucoidan and select the best product based on your own research before using fucoidan products. We know that you want to know the results of people who have used fucoidan. We have exciting stories and vice versa. To date, we haven’t heard any complaints about our products nor any report of side effects. It is true that we have heard many great news from many patients and the high repeated purchase clearly speaks for itself.
We are open to receive complaints and improvement areas and we are striving to do our best to hear more good news from our consumers. One of the main results of our continuous research and endeavors, the Ellenvital dietary program will be of significant help to you.
褐藻糖胶和Sulforaphane都是天然食物海带和西兰花里提取的天然食品,因此和药物一起服用没有问题,由论文发表能缓和抗癌剂和放射治疗的副作用。但是褐藻糖胶是Dietary fiber,有些药物很可能互相妨碍效果,因此不和药物一起服用也是不错的办法
You can significantly enhance the effect of Fuco-Asher with a dietary program called Ellenvital Ellenvital dietary program was developed by our Fucoidan to maximize the effect of Fuco-Asher by changing the eating habits to optimize the physical condition and maximize the natural curing power of the human body. It starts with your recognition of the importance to strictly follow through the dietary program until it becomes a natural habit. We don’t impose complex dietary program that is hard to follow. We focus on the basic things and making it your daily habit. The program is already successful if we can seed positive thinking and provide a basic dietary program that can become a natural habit. Ellenvital program is a dietary program to maximize the effect of the reinforced fucoidan product Fuco-Asher.
Of course. We strongly recommend Fuco-Asher for those who want to maintain a healthy life. The only difference is in the dosage. Fuco-Asher is a nutrition supplement for every one, young and old, men or women, ill or healthy.
Adjust the dosage to your condition.